Education Division

The education division along with Dr. Blue’s team and guidance, aims to provide a reliable roadmap for financial prosperity through education, trainings, and materials focused on wealth literacy, wealth management, and wealth creation. Additionally, the education division partners with the Assets division, which assists in acquiring tangible assets such as gold and silver, as well as with the Economic and Legacy divisions providing strategies to create, build, and protect wealth for generational change and inheritance.) Empowering students in spiritual enlightenment and personal development, achievement and economic freedom.

  • The mission of this division : is to awaken the power within, using tools, strategies, meditations, and educational material through seminars, empowerment, gatherings, retreats, online teaching sessions, as well as step-by-step, personal empowerment.
  • The vision of this division: is the reach any and everyone with the ability to tap into the power within to create the experience of a better life making impact within this world in better ways of living.
  • Education Division offers: (books, ebooks, guides, videos, poducts, Seminars,Podcast, Conferences, trainings, teachings.

Education Division Courses

  • Kingdom Financier Auxiliary Ministry Course
  • Kingdom Financier Individual Certification Course
  • Kingdom Financier Coaching Certification Course
  • Kingdom Financier Auxiliary Ministry Support
  • Gold and Silver Mastery Course
  • The End-Time Transfer of wealth Course
  • Affirmation Empowerment Course
  • The Millionaire Mindset Masterclass
  • “Are Trusts Only” for the Super Rich (Trust Fund Masterclass)
  • I’m Worthy of Wealth Masterclass
  • Kingdom financier Business Masterclass
  • Silver/Gold Mastery Course (on Storage and leverage Solutions)

Blue Wealth Solutions is a Proud member of the International Precious Metals Institute IPMI.